Easy Cheesecake Recipe (2024)

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These two recipes are easy cheesecake recipes that take minutes to make, but taste like you worked hard to create this delicious dessert!

Cheesecake Recipes List

If you enjoyed these two recipes, make sure to check out our other cheesecake recipes for more ideas!

Simple Cheesecake Recipe #1

Cheesecake is a rich, delicious dessert that everyone seems to enjoy. It is believed that the first cheesecake was created on the Greek Island of Samos and may have been used to give energy to athletes at the first Olympic games in 776 BC. It was also often served as wedding cake in that culture.

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Easy Cheesecake Recipe (2)

When the Romans conquered Greece, the recipe was one of the many spoils of war. They modified the dessert to include crushed cheese and eggs and served it on special occasions.

As the Romans expanded their empire, the dessert spread through Europe. It became popular in different cultures and adaptations were made with ingredients being added that were native to each region.

Easy Cheesecake Recipe (3)

By the 18th century, the cheesecake would start more closely resembling the dessert we know and love today.

Of course, anyone who has visited the Cheesecake Factory knows that cheesecake can be made featuring any number of flavors to please a wide variety of palettes.

And while exploring different recipes, some chefs may be happy to find out that cheesecake doesn’t necessarily have to be baked. A no bake recipe can save you a lot of time in the kitchen, not to mention the natural resources it takes to heat the dessert.

Oureasy no bake cheesecake recipehas the smooth, creamy flavor of cheesecake without the worry of baking. Our recipe uses a pre-made graham cracker pie crust to make assembly even simpler. All you have to do is mix together the ingredients, fill the pie crust and chill. It doesn’t get any easier than this!

And for those of you who want to explore your options, we offer a variation on the recipe that includes a sour cream and sugar topping.

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Cheesecake is so delicious and with this simple, no bake recipe, you really have no excuse not to make it for your family today. It will be sure to bring a smile to their faces.

Easy Cheesecake Recipe #2

This is an easy baked cheesecake recipe that is topped with a delicious sour cream and sugar topping. It is crustless, but you can easily add a graham cracker crust before filling your pie plate. It gets rave reviews at every family gathering!

Flavors of Cheesecake to Try

Plain cheesecake is a great dessert for when you just want something simple and basic. When you're in the mood for something more complex, there are a number of cheesecake flavors we encourage you to try! Of course, the simplest involve pouring a fruit or chocolate syrup over the cheesecake. This is a great way to add some extra flavor to your cheesecake without going overboard.

If it's fall, try some pumpkin cheesecake. This is probably a cheesecake flavor you've never had before! Pumpkin cheesecake is a great alternative to pumpkin pie, and will surely surprise and please your guests. Gingerbread cheesecake is a great choice for the winter, especially if you've grown bored of gingerbread men.

White chocolate cheesecake is a fancy cheesecake flavor that is deliciously savory and sweet. Add some raspberry into the recipe to give it an extra degree of flair. If simplicity is what you're looking for, a lemon cheesecake is sure to delight. If you want something that's perfect for summer (especially since these are no-bake cheesecakes), a lime cheesecake is a great one to try.

There are hundreds of cheesecake flavors out there. You'll want to try as many of them as you can, which means you'll be returning to these no-bake cheesecake recipes a lot! Be sure to bookmark this page so you can return to it frequently.


Easy Cheesecake Recipe (6)

Easy Cheesecake #1

Easy Cheesecake Recipe (7)Easy Cheesecake Recipe (8)Easy Cheesecake Recipe (9)Easy Cheesecake Recipe (10)Easy Cheesecake Recipe (11) (12 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)
Easy Cheesecake Recipe (12)Loading…

  • Author: Moms Who Think
  • Total Time: 4 hours 15 minutes
  • Yield: 1 Cheesecake 1x
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Cheesecake is so delicious and with this simple, no bake recipe, you really have no excuse not to make it for your family today. It will be sure to bring a smile to their faces.

Try Home Chef - Family Meals Made Easy

  • 4-serving meals starting at $3.77 per serving (up to 25% cheaper than HelloFresh).
  • Incredible variety with 10+ weekly meal options, delivered directly to you.
  • Easy to prepare meals ready in 30-minutes or less.

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  1. graham cracker pie crust
  2. 8 ounce package soft cream cheese
  3. 1/3 cup sugar
  4. 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  5. 1 cup sour cream
  6. 8 ounces Cool Whip, slightly thawed


  1. Beat cream cheese until smooth, add sugar and mix well. Add sour cream and vanilla, mix well. Fold in Cool Whip.
  2. Spoon into pie crust and chill for 4 hours.
  • Prep Time: 15 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 4 Hours
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: American


Easy Cheesecake Recipe (14)

Easy Cheesecake Recipe #2

Easy Cheesecake Recipe (15)Easy Cheesecake Recipe (16)Easy Cheesecake Recipe (17)Easy Cheesecake Recipe (18)Easy Cheesecake Recipe (19) (21 votes, average: 3.52 out of 5)
Easy Cheesecake Recipe (20)Loading…

  • Author: Moms Who Think
  • Total Time: 50 Minutes
  • Yield: 1 Cheesecake 1x
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This is an easy baked cheesecake recipe that is topped with a delicious sour cream and sugar topping.



  1. 2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
  2. 2/3 cup sugar
  3. 3 large eggs
  4. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  5. 3 Tablespoons sugar
  6. 8 ounces sour cream
  7. 1 teaspoon vanilla


  1. Beat cream cheese, 2/3 cup sugar, 3 eggs, and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla with mixer until smooth. Pour into well greased 9 inch pie plate.
  2. Bake 22 to 25 minutes at 350 degrees F. Turn oven off. Remove cheesecake and cool for 5 minutes.
  3. Combine 3 Tablespoons sugar, sour cream, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Spread over warm cheesecake and return to oven for 5 minutes.
  4. Cool and refrigerate.
  • Prep Time: 20 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 Minutes
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: American
Easy Cheesecake Recipe (2024)


Is it better to bake or not bake a cheesecake? ›

The key difference between baked and no-bake cheesecakes is the former's superior texture. Baked cheesecakes have a dense, fluffy, moist and smooth texture, which is not possible with the recipe for no-bake cheesecake.

What's the difference between a New York style cheesecake in a classic cheesecake? ›

When it comes to New York style cheesecake, heavy cream or sour cream is added to the mixture to create a denser, smoother, and creamier cheesecake. A springform pan allows for even baking and a high temperature creates a nice, attractive golden brown crust.

Is sour cream or whipping cream better for cheesecake? ›

Sour Cream: This gave it more of a tart taste. This could be utilized if you are going to make a flavored cheesecake where a more tart taste would help the other flavors. I think it would work really well with a lemon or lime flavored cheesecake. Heavy Whipping Cream: This gave it more of a milky taste.

What is the difference between New York style cheesecake and French cheesecake? ›

A French Style Cheesecake is simple, elegant, and a bit different than the popular one New York Cheesecake. The French one it's creamier and leaves you with a strong vanilla flavor from the first bite.

What not to do when making cheesecake? ›

16 Mistakes You're Making With Homemade Cheesecake
  1. Working with cold ingredients. Hobo_018/Getty Images. ...
  2. Using whipped cream cheese. ...
  3. Using low-fat cream cheese. ...
  4. Undermixing your cheesecake. ...
  5. Not diversifying your cheeses. ...
  6. Not being careful with your eggs. ...
  7. Only making plain cheesecake. ...
  8. Baking in anything but a springform pan.
May 29, 2023

Does the cheesecake have to be submerged in the water bath? ›

Water bathing is done for typically the taller ones where you are cooking at lower temperatures for longer durations in order to cook them through more evenly. Shallow cheesecakes with a crust bottom that you are baking faster do not need to do so in water.

What is the most popular type of cheesecake? ›

New York-style cheesecake:

Undoubtedly the most popular type of cheesecake in the United States, New York-style cheesecake is rich and dense with a cream cheese base. It is usually baked in a springform pan.

What is a Biltmore cheesecake? ›

Description:Creamy vanilla cheesecake baked in a graham crust. Also available in a base and dome format for in-store bakeries (Item #107290)

Why do people add sour cream to cheesecake? ›

Cheesecake is clearly a different animal from bundts or cupcakes, but sour cream has a place here too! Combined with even more densely rich cream cheese, sour cream actually tempers the star ingredient a touch, softening its texture. It also adds another layer of tangy flavor and moisture to a cheesecake.

Why add heavy cream to cheesecake? ›

Cheesecake is not the time to skimp. Sour cream: Most cheesecake recipes use either heavy cream or sour cream; either will do the job of softening the texture of the cheese and adding some moisture. I prefer sour cream because I like the extra hit of sour tang it adds to the cake.

What happens if you add too much sour cream to cheesecake? ›

What happens if you put too much sour cream in cheesecake? Sour cream adds tanginess and moisture, so if you use too much, it can make the cheesecake too tangy and the additional moisture can make it runny.

What's the difference between Sicilian cheesecake and regular cheesecake? ›

Italian/Sicilian cheesecake is lighter in texture, less rich and less sweet than its richer and denser American counterpart. Do I have to par-bake the crust? No. While I recommend par-baking this crust, it is not absolutely necessary.

What is the difference between Japanese cheesecake and regular cheesecake? ›

It is less sweet and has fewer calories than standard Western-style cheesecakes, containing less cheese and sugar. The cake is made with cream cheese, butter, sugar, and eggs. Similar to chiffon cake or soufflé, Japanese cheesecake has a fluffy texture produced by whipping egg white and egg yolk separately.

What is the difference between Japanese cheesecake and American cheesecake? ›

One thing that makes Japanese cheesecake different and special is its unique texture. Unlike traditional cheesecakes, which are dense and heavy, Japanese cheesecakes are light and airy. With a combination of whipped egg whites and cream cheese, this dessert takes on the perfect balance of smoothness and fluffiness.

Is it better to overbake or underbake cheesecake? ›

Avoid Overcooking

DON'T overbake. Overbaking a cheesecake can cause cracks on the surface. The center of the cheesecake should still be a little wobbly, the filling still pale, and the outer ring slightly puffy and firm. It will continue to cook as it cools and maintains that smooth and rich texture.

Does no bake cheesecake get firm? ›

But given time to chill all the way down to 40°F (4°C), which takes about six hours, the filling becomes firm and dense, much more like a "real" cheesecake and far easier to slice. During that time, the filling will lend some of its moisture to the crust, making it considerably less crumbly.

Which baking method is best for cheesecake? ›

Learn more about essential baking tools. 2. Master the water bath. A bain-marie, or water bath, is the preferred method for baking cheesecakes because it gently cooks the eggs in the filling.

Why should I bake my cheesecake in a water bath? ›

A water bath helps cheesecakes cook evenly, ensuring the edges don't bake faster than the center. The process gently bakes the custard slowly, ensuring a smooth and creamy filling. Otherwise, the dessert may get a rubbery texture. It also prevents cracking along the surface and browning on the top.


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.